2025 App Drawer懶人包,推薦清單整理


App Drawer安卓版應用APK下載

一個簡單的便攜式抽屜,用於存放您最喜愛的應用程序. 整理已安裝的應用程序並創建快捷方式以快速訪問您最常用的應用程序。 特點和優勢.

App Drawer

You can put your apps in a drawer and display only frequently used apps on your home screen to streamline your home screen. Enable App Drawer. Go to Settings > ...

有暗示? 下一代Android 可能取消App Drawer

在介面上,其中一項iOS與Android的最大分別是,前者並無所謂的App Drawer,所有程式都會列出。但是,Android的用家可按需要放置有用的應用程式圖示,其他的 ...

Pixl: App Drawer for Android

應用程式資訊與效能 · 當機記錄 · 診斷 · 其他的應用程式效能資料. 數據分析. 安全性 ...

App Drawer

評分 3.3 (113) · 免費 · Android · 一個簡單的便攜式抽屜,用於存放您最喜愛的應用程序.

Google 新Launcher 漏出App Drawer 終於……

至於要開啟App Drawer 的方式就會隨之而改變,改用手勢開啟,日後大家只需要改用向上手勢,由底部開始向上即可拉出App Drawer。

What Is the Android App Drawer? Here's How To Use It

An app drawer is a pre-installed feature that lets you have a complete overview of all the apps on your phone. Its primary purpose is to ...

App drawer Icons & Symbols

575 app drawer icons. Vector icons in SVG, PSD, PNG, EPS and ICON FONT.

What is an App Drawer? | Can I customize my App Drawer?

App drawer is a feature found in mobile device operating systems such as Android. It is a menu that shows all the apps installed on your device.